5.10 P9 Group Fault and Protection Parameters

5.10 P9 Group Fault and Protection Parameters

Inverter Parameter Attribute Explanation

✅: Indicates that the setting value of this parameter can be changed when the inverter is in both stopped and running states;
✳️: Indicates that the setting value of this parameter cannot be changed when the inverter is in a running state;
❎: Indicates that the value of this parameter is the actual measured value and cannot be changed.

P9 Group: Fault and Protection Parameters

Function Code Name Setting Range Factory Value Attribute DEC Address
P9-00 Motor Overload Protection Selection 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
1 63744
P9-01 Motor Overload Protection Gain 0.20~10.00 1.00 63745
P9-02 Motor Overload Warning Coefficient 50%~100% 80% 63746
P9-03 Overvoltage Stall Gain 0~100 0 63747
P9-04 Overvoltage Stall Action Voltage 200.0~2000.0V
Model Dependent 63748
P9-05 Overcurrent Stall Gain 0~100 20 63749
P9-06 Overcurrent Stall Protection Current 100%~200% 150% 63750
P9-07 Power-On Ground Short Circuit Protection Selection 0: Invalid
1: Valid
1 63751
P9-08 Energy Braking Action Voltage 200.0~2000.0V 220V:360V
P9-09 Fault Auto Reset Count 0~20 0 63753
P9-10 Fault Auto Reset During Period
Fault DO Action Selection
0: No Action
1: Action
0 63754
P9-11 Fault Auto Reset Interval Time 0.1s~100.0s 1.0s 63755
P9-12 Input Phase Loss Protection Selection 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
0 63756
P9-13 Output Phase Loss Protection Selection 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
1 63757
P9-14 First Fault Type 0: No Fault
1: Reserved
2: Acceleration Overcurrent
3: Deceleration Overcurrent
4: Constant Speed Overcurrent
5: Acceleration Overvoltage
6: Deceleration Overvoltage
7: Constant Speed Overvoltage
8: Buffer Resistor Overload
9: Under Voltage
10: Inverter Overload
11: Motor Overload
12: Input Phase Loss
13: Input Phase Loss
14: Module Overheating
15: External Fault
16: Communication Abnormality
17: Contactor Abnormality
18: Current Detection Abnormality
19: Motor Tuning Abnormality
20: Reserved
21: Parameter Read/Write Abnormality
22: Inverter Hardware Abnormality
23: Motor Ground Short Circuit
24: Reserved
25: Reserved
26: Running Time Reached
27: User-Defined Fault 1
28: User-Defined Fault 2
29: Power-On Time Reached
30: No Load
31: PID Feedback Lost During Operation
40: Rapid Current Limit Timeout
41: Motor Switch During Operation
42: Excessive Speed Deviation
43: Motor Overspeed
45: Reserved
51: Reserved
P9-15 Second Fault Type Same as P9-14 63759
P9-16 Third (Most Recent) Fault Type Same as P9-14 63760
P9-17 Third (Most Recent) Fault Frequency 63761
P9-18 Third (Most Recent) Fault Current 63762
P9-19 Third (Most Recent) Fault Bus Voltage 63763
P9-20 Third (Most Recent) Fault Input Terminal Status 63764
P9-21 Third (Most Recent) Fault Output Terminal Status 63765
P9-22 Third (Most Recent) Fault Inverter Status 63766
P9-23 Third (Most Recent) Fault Power-On Time 63767
P9-24 Third (Most Recent) Fault Running Time 63768
P9-27 Second Fault Frequency 63771
P9-28 Second Fault Current 63772
P9-29 Second Fault Bus Voltage 63773
P9-30 Second Fault Input Terminal Status 63774
P9-31 Second Fault Output Terminal Status 63775
P9-32 Second Fault Inverter Status 63776
P9-33 Second Fault Power-On Time 63777
P9-34 Second Fault Running Time 63778
P9-37 First Fault Frequency 63781
P9-38 First Fault Current 63782
P9-39 First Fault Bus Voltage 63783
P9-40 First Fault Input Terminal Status 63784
P9-41 First Fault Output Terminal Status 63785
P9-42 First Fault Inverter Status 63786
P9-43 First Fault Power-On Time 63787
P9-44 First Fault Running Time 63788
P9-47 Fault Protection Action Selection 1 Units: Motor Overload (11)
0: Free Wheeling
1: Stop by Deceleration
2: Continue Operation
Tens: Input Phase Loss (12)
Hundreds: Output Phase Loss (13)
Thousands: External Fault (15)
Millions: Communication Abnormality (16)
00000 63791
P9-54 Frequency Selection for Continuing Operation During Fault 0: Run at Current Frequency
1: Run at Set Frequency
2: Run at Upper Limit Frequency
3: Run at Lower Limit Frequency
4: Run at Abnormal Backup Frequency
0 63798
P9-55 Abnormal Backup Frequency 60.0%~100.0%
(100.0% corresponds to Maximum Frequency P0-10)
100.0% 63799
P9-59 Instantaneous Power Failure Action Selection 0: Invalid
1: Deceleration
2: Deceleration Stop
0 63803
P9-60 Voltage Judgment for Instantaneous Action Pause P9-62~100.0% 100.0% 63804
P9-61 Time for Voltage Recovery Judgment after Instantaneous Power Failure 0.00s~100.00s 0.50s 63805
P9-62 Voltage Judgment for Instantaneous Power Failure Action 60.0%~100.0%
(Standard Bus Voltage)
80.0% 63806
P9-63 No Load Protection Selection 0: Enabled
1: Disabled
0 63807
P9-64 No Load Detection Level 0.0%~100.0% 10.0% 63808
P9-65 No Load Detection Time 0.0s~60.0s 1.0s 63809

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