5.16 A5 Group Control Optimization Parameters

5.16 A5 Group Control Optimization Parameters

Variable Frequency Drive Parameter Attribute Description
✅: Indicates that the parameter setting value can be changed when the variable frequency drive is in both stop and run states.
✅: Indicates that the parameter setting value cannot be changed when the variable frequency drive is in a running state.
❎: Indicates that the value of the parameter is the actual detected recording value and cannot be changed.

A5 Group: Control Optimization Parameters

Function Code Name Setting Range Factory Value Attribute DEC Address
A5-00 DPWM Switching Upper Limit Selection 0.00Hz~15.00Hz 12.00Hz 42240
A5-01 PWM Modulation Method 0: Asynchronous Modulation
1: Synchronous Modulation
0 42241
A5-02 Dead Zone Compensation Mode Selection 0: No Compensation
1: Compensation Mode 1
2: Compensation Mode 2
1 42242
A5-03 Random PWM Depth 0: Random PWM Disabled
1~10: PWM Carrier Frequency Random Depth
0 42243
A5-04 Fast Current Limiting Enable 0: Disabled
1: Enabled
1 42244
A5-05 Current Detection Compensation 0~100 5 42245
A5-06 Undervoltage Setting 100.0~2000.0V Model Dependent 42246
A5-07 SVC Optimization Mode Selection 0: No Optimization
1: Optimization Mode 1
2: Optimization Mode 2
1 42247
A5-08 Dead Time Adjustment 100~200% 150% 42248
A5-09 Overvoltage Setting 200.0~2500.0V Model Dependent ✳️ 42249

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